Thursday, April 10, 2008


Something I wrote on me friendster page years ago that practically describes ME...

God's Servant, Husband, Father, Firstborn son, Loyal Friend to many... Disliked by ppl who can't stand my arrogant mug and the way I speak. I write abt my thoughts sometimes, normally turned it to a song with whateva I can sing out of my head - its better than talking... but I talk a lot - especially with ppl I'm comfortable with, sharing views about life, talking abt nonsense really, I tend to engage in lengthy arguments abt whats right and wrong - which I absolutely hate but do not know how to stop it when I start, It's always better to let the matter rest. I'm compulsively outspoken altho' I'm not necessarily right abt. it - that's bad. I'm trying to put a lid on that. Life is beautifully complicated and should be left the way it is - it doesn't have to suck just because things don't work out your way - just make the best of what's there and it'll always be alright. There is a reason why things happen, that belief runs thru' my veins cuz ultimately the almighty superior always decide what you can't.I'm less crazy now or maybe altho' I might look the part, I never actually was extremely nuts the way I thought I am. I think I'm always trying to be perfect but perfect I'm not but I'm always pushing that line - I'll break I know, but i'm still gonna do it. I'm stubborn, the most stubborn person I know is my mom, but I'm above her on that, that's why nobody wins when we argue. We still do and I love her alot no matter what. My dad is the coolest god-loving human being I know - he IS crazy, he's still going mountaineering at 60. I got 'crazy' from my ol' man. My wife drives me up the wall sometimes but that's why I married her, cuz I can stand all her nonsense but no other female's. All I have to do when I'm feelin down - "Aidan Ra'eed". One look at my son's smile brightens my day - always.I always wanted to see the world more than I have, so I envy my friends who do. Maybe someday I will and my family will tag along with me...... Life IS beautiful.


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