Thursday, June 21, 2007

Back to the Old P.A

Got quite a substantial amount of work done at the office finally got that lingering old timebomb IP the one where the accused failed to report back for bail off my cabinet. Beng Chin finally relented and took it in.

Silverbacks in attendance - Faiz, Khalid, Azmi, Hafiz and yours truly so quite a good turnout for us. Always more lively when playing with the old ruggers of the old P.A, still loads to brush up for us Silverbacks tho' - passes weren't sharp, loss the ball too easily - basically gotta improve all round play for us we're kinda slack can't blame us lah, rugby has become something of leisure to us altho' we're all still on about it. Hitched Julian and Perry to play for us this sunday, they should beef up the team a little, we already got hulk on our side so the two new additions are extra boost.

Lynn came by and we had dinner at Adam with Khalid and Azmi, Faiz gotta go off early. Had nasi lemak - I'm always too lazy to queue for it infact i'm always too lazy to queue for all things, if there's a queue i really can't be bothered to get whatevers at the end of that queue.

I got summoned for not putting coupon at Adam's. honestly I forgot, so that's 2 this month. I crumpled the first one and threw it away after the guy said he can't do nothing about it (like i don't already know). Azmi hollered that the summon guy was making his rounds, but i was kinda late to react so the dude had just summoned my car, as per normal these dudes are stoned face, they dun give a rat's ass... so i don't bother to re-appeal. I threw the crunpled summon and went back to eat. when I returned there was another summon on my windscreen - tot they can only summon once per day - i can only check tomoro if they did a double whammy on me. I'll be pissed if they did.

Cleared my room of those plastic drawers of lynn's clothes and stacked them up in the wardrobe, so the rooms much spacier. I like space.

Time to space out, see ya soon


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