Monday, May 30, 2005

House Warming - Official Opening of Rizal's and Lynn's Crib

Today we hosted a great house warming reception at my crib, everyone close to me attended Mom, Noh, Mastina, Mirza, Didier, Radhiyah, Faiz, Erzwin, Rashid, Sophie, Ryan, Erian, Suhanah (Erian's wife - dunno why I kept forgetting her name lah), Dania, Dina and of course not to miss my mom and dad in law and my dear wife Lynn now how many ppl is that.... Bah... it didn't matter what matters most my crib felt warm after... heh heh. Anyway they did the 'token' for my wedding which is a potpurri pouch which I did not buy enuff from Malacca the other day so - we're short of like ten 1kg bags of potpurri damn... we didn't know we're like gonna need that much for 1600 pouches of potpurri damn... totally miscalculated that... anyway my mom cooked an awesome lunch on me new stove / hob... Awesome

Great Week!!!
It's been a great week anyhow. All the bad news I envisioned has totally twist. My fear of being charge for negligience during duty we're given a "no further actions taken" stamp of approval so that was a big deal for me (my mom's undying prayers pulls me thru' another one... damn I can never repay her). Then I got the news that I got promoted... Wow! God work in mysterious ways didn't he.. hence the title of this blog.... spiritually never let your guard down, thru all we'll prevail...always.... in the name of almighty God. Then I did pretty well on IPPT altho' I had only a weeks training, well the deal is IPPT's over and thats a darn swell feeling not having to exercise hard... Whatta hell am I saying... i should EXERCISE!!!!! goddamnit!!!!! my wedding's only 2 weeks away and I gotta loose the extra flab.... I'm always so uncomprimising to my body .... ahhh sacrifices.... sacrifices.... Anyway I'll end this blog today with
"Healthy Body makes Healthy Babies" Words of Wisdom by Zeph

Zeph Out

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Hope Jam @ Fort Canning March 2005

Well Just wanna upload something since It's been awhile I've sent pix on thnis blog... I like this one of me and Riez connecting on stage altho' I sorta pulled my calf muscle in the process nonetheless Hope Jem @ Fort Canning was a smashing gig. i must say it's one of the best gig I had with Zhen that I truly enjoy....

Hope Jam Fort Canning March 2005

Back Online baby Ha Ha

Hey dudessssss.... ha ha......... Really now I'm back in full effect. Lynn got us wired via Starhub Cable and now we're surfing the big kahuna at our new crib. Everythings up and running as smoothly as I wanted it to of course i hit a few glitches here and there with the final touch ups at Punggol but so far I'vve handled everything pretty smoothly I must say. Everythings eventual my man.... You do the planning and the big dude up there will always make it hapen for you if you're "straight".... most gracious to the almighty as without Him... none of these would have happened.
Anyway as I've earlier register... end of one headache begins another.... well my marraige to lynn is just a few short weeks to go. 3 weeks to be exact. But sorta got that down pat too. just waiting for the fireworks to explode baby.... Well with the cyber super hi-way up and running now it'll be pretty much easier to blog huh I guess.... Well as I've promise to ya... i'll try not quit this blogging project.... More to register in here soon...

Zeph Out

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Almost there...

Well it's been more then a month now since I last register in here.... I'll have more time to blog soon.... We've all moved in to out new home in Punggol and the shift went quite smoothly.... have been worrying a darn lot about how am I gonna move that humongous american fridge of ours from 'Storehub' to Punggol.... Well it's safe and sound now at it's corner in the kitchen. The damn thing weighs a ton!!! oklah maybe quarter of a ton... Overall the apartment looks great frankly.... just the way I envisioned it, but I think we'll probably take about a week before we'll fully unpack all the stack of boxes full of household stuffs... Then the wedding preps begins.... So I hope the renovation headache goes in a weeks time while the wedding headache pounds in... but thats a migraine less.... so it's a good thing. Lynn just subscribed to Starhub internet so should be hooked up by next week... So till then.... signing off from my new office in Jurong... well not so new now as it's been 2 months plus and it passes me like wind from my arse... So till later....

Zeph out